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Columbine- Related Newspaper/Magazine Articles, Research Papers, TV News Coverage

There have been many newspaper and magazine articles, as well as several books and research papers written about the Columbine High School tragedy.

I have amassed a large number of these and present them here to make them more easily accessible to researchers. More will be added as I find them.

The misinformation presented, especially in the early days after the assault, only added to the confusion of what happened that day. Unfortunately, some of these convoluted stories still persist today and even recently written articles still contain and continue to propagate these myths and factual errors. 

As Many as 25 Dead in Colorado School Attack  April 20, 1999

Quiet Loners Worried Other Students    April 21, 1999

Massacre at Columbine High    April 21, 1999   

A Day of Death and Fear in Colorado  April 21, 1999

Colorado School Shooters Identified    April 21, 1999

Gunmen Recalled as Outcasts    April 21, 1999

For Many Parents, a Vigil of Agony    April 21, 1999

A Calm Year in the Schools is Shattered  April 21, 1999

What the Witnesses Saw     April 21, 1999

Terror and Tears    April 21, 1999

Terror in Littleton    April 21, 1999

Sixteen Dead After High School Massacre   April 21, 1999

List of Wounded    April 21, 1999

Bloodbath Leaves 15 Dead, 28 Injured    April 21, 1999

Harris hinted at violence to come  April 21, 1999

Massacre Shatters School   April 21, 1999

Was There a Hint?      April 22, 1999

Tragedy Pulls People onto the Internet   April 22, 1999

Killers Left Long Trail of Clues       April 22, 1999

Police- Attack Planned in Detail    April 22, 1999

Shooter Pair Mixed Fantasy, Reality    April 22, 1999

Across America, Grief and Horror      April 22, 1999

Amid Carnage and Chaos Came Heroism     April 22, 1999

As Always, the Internet Angle     April 22, 1999

Kids Aimed to ‘Destroy The School’     April 22, 1999

High Hopes For the Future Cut Down in Colo.   April 22, 1999

Media Blitz Raises Coverage Questions     April 22, 1999

Father of Victim Says Son Had Dispute With Suspect     April 22, 1999

Shootings Alter Nation's Gun Debate     April 22, 1999

A Diary of Devastation    April 22, 1999

Father Had a Hunch Son Was Involved    April 22, 1999

Victims' Portraits Diverse     April 22, 1999

Police hunt killers’ helpers     April 22, 1999

School can be cruel- Shooters were low on social ladder   April 22, 1999

Portrait of Outcasts Seeking to Stand Out From Other Groups    April 22, 1999

Mystery How Team Players Became Loners      April 23, 1999

Test of Nerves as Terror Unfolded      April 23, 1999

Hail of Bullets Cuts Short the Promise of Students Lives     April 23, 1999

A Shared Grief        April 24, 1999

Excerpts from Tape of 2 Emergency Calls at Columbine High    April 24, 1999

Lawmen Defend Response Times      April 25, 1999

You are Not Alone- Nation Mourns with Littleton     April 25, 1999

Diary reveals minute details of plot to kill    April 25, 1999

Members of 'mafia' say killers did not belong    April 25, 1999

Shootings put city to the test     April 25, 1999

Teen Shooting Suspects Subtly Signaled Violence to Come     April 26, 1999

In Sorrow and Disbelief       April 26, 1999

Columbine Killers on Tape    April 27, 1999

Act of Kindness Lead to Death     April 27, 1999

Columbine Teachers Prepare for Students' Return      April 27, 1999

Trio Detained near Columbine Cleared in School Shooting    April 28, 1999

Wounded Girl Back Home         April 28, 1999

Colorado Prosecutors to Arrest Suspect    April 29, 1999   

Harris Told of Ambition to Blow up Columbine    April 29, 1999

Columbine Shootings: The Unanswered Questions     April  29, 1999

Denver Post Columbine daily notes      April 30, 1999

Cops Grill Man Who Sold Pistol to Teen Killers      April 30, 1999

Police Criticized for Littleton Probe      April 30, 1999

Columbine Students Talk of the Disaster and Life    April 30, 1999

Columbine High School: Anatomy of a Massacre     May 2, 1999

A Boy With Many Sides    May 2, 1999

LDS Youth Rely on Faith in Face of Fear    May 2, 1999

Portrait of a Deadly Bond      May 2, 1999

Shooters' Neighbors Had Little Hint     May 2, 1999

Did Prom Rejection Push Killer Over the Edge    May 3, 1999

It's Back to School Today for Colo. Kids      May 3, 1999

Colo. Killers’ Last Days Gave No Hint of Plans       May 3, 1999

Columbine Crosses Can't Bear Weight of Discord     May 3, 1999

Memorial Crosses Taken Down      May 3, 1999

Portrait of Two Teens Reveals A Lot of Gray     May 3, 1999

Sorrow and Outrage     May 3, 1999

Did Harris Preview Massacre on “Doom”?       May 4, 1999

Crosses Going Back Up      May 4, 1999

All Costs From Columbine High shooting May Reach $50 million      May 6, 1999

Columbine Yearbook Honors Victims     May 11, 1999

Response in Littleton was Swift, but Unsure     May 12, 1999

Good Grief: Faith Versus Freud        May 13, 1999

Littleton Focus is on Gunmen’s Friends   May 14, 1999

I Feel Great, Colo. Survivor Says     May 15, 1999

Two Killers Rampaged as 6 Officers Awaited Aid    May 16, 1999

The Generation Gap in My Living Room    May 17, 1999

When Duty Called      May 17, 1999

Littleton's Aftermath     May 20, 1999

Megabucks offered for copy of yearbook     May 20, 1999

Treats Cheer Shooting Victims    May 22, 1999

Sadness and Triumph Underlie Columbine's Pomp and Circumstance      May 23, 1999

Crosses Find Home in Roxborough       June 1, 1999      

Gunman’s prom date airs story    June 5, 1999

Columbine Students Seek Answers in Their Faith      June 6, 1999

Dissecting Columbine's Cult of the Athlete     June 12, 1999

Library Survivor Breaks Silence     June 12, 1999

Columbine Crosses Prompt Baptist Youths' Reflections      June 14, 1999

Klebolds Saw No Hint of Son’s Rage, Letter Says     June 18, 1999

Suspect Makes Court Appearance in Columbine Case     June 19, 1999

Gun-Sale Plea Bargain Ruled Out, Charge Added       June 24, 1999

Jeffco Expenses Total $1.1 Million, So Far        June 24, 1999

Memorial Wanted Away From View of Campus      June 24, 1999

Killer’s Autopsy File Unsealed     June 25, 1999

Killer’s Lockers Another Issue for Columbine        June 25, 1999

Requiem for a High School    July 1999

Minorities are Columbine, too         July 25, 1999

Shoels Killed By Blast to Chest        June 26, 1999

Legacy of a Leader       June 27, 1999

Shattered Lives      June 29, 1999

Parents, Students Tour School            June 30, 1999

Doom Rules    August 5, 1999

Cleaned-Up Columbine Reopens Monday        August 1999

All Eyes on Columbine     August 14, 1999

Fatal Friendship     August 22, 1999

Small Steps          August 30, 1999

Reflections on the First Mass School Shooting in American History      September 1999

Shoelses Fight Clouded Image      September 26, 1999

Loophole Protects Columbine Witness        October 3, 1999

Columbine Miracle- A Matter of Belief       October 14, 1999

Columbine HS Killer’s Parents Stun School with Lawsuit    October 17, 1999

Killer's Parents Consider Suit in School Case      October 19, 1999

Columbine Suffering Seems Never to End    October 22, 1999

Parents of Columbine Killer Talk to Police     October 27, 1999

Crusader of the Crosses       October 28, 1999

When Will the Healing Start?     October 31, 1999


Columine Killers, on Tape, Thanked 2 for Gun    November 13, 1999

Gun provider sentenced to 6 years in Columbine case    November 13, 1999

Judge gives Manes 6 years     November 13, 1999

Teacher: Pleas for Help Ignored     November 22, 2000

A Time to Remember            November 29, 2000

Columbine Keeps Player's Memory Alive     December 2, 1999

Tragedy is Replaced with Triumph     December 6, 1999

Rocky Mountain News: Inside the Columbine Investigation    December 12- 14, 1999

The Columbine Tapes    December 12, 1999

The Victims- Never Again     December 12, 1999

Columbine Killers Wanted to Kickstart a Revolution   December 13, 1999

Columbine Tapes Show Extent of Killer's Rage     December 13, 1999

I Survived the Columbine High School Shooting     1999

Columbine- Inside the Columbine Investigation    February 27, 2000

Facts clarify but can’t justify killer’s acts     March 12, 2000

Stonewalled    April 13, 2000

Columbine Timeline     April 16, 2000

The Killers Among Us      April 16, 2000

Columbine Aid a Massive Enterprise     April 16, 2000

Columbine Books Offer Tributes, Insight     April 16, 2000

Tragedy Has Lasting Effect on TV News     April 16, 2000

Voices of Columbine series  (combined)     April 16, 2000

The Police Stood Idle      April 20, 2000

Apology to Rachel's Kin "from the heart"    April 21, 2000

Among The Crusaders     April 24, 2000

What if We Had Taken Columbine Seriously?     April 24- May 1, 2000

Video's Release Outrages Kin    April 27, 2000

Columbine Tape Release Was Only a Matter of Time    April 28, 2000

Sheriff’s Columbine Report Released    May 15, 2000

SWAT Team Hampered by Confusion   May 16, 2000

The Lost Command     July 13, 2000

The Missing Motive    July 13, 2000

Parents Blindsided by Plot    November 22, 2000

Police Interview with Klebolds     November 22, 2000

Post Seeks Autopsy Files     December 1, 2000

Rebels Big Game Quieter This Year     December 1, 2000

Tales of Bullying Outlined     December 2, 2000

Teen Haven To Close, Seeks Homes       December 2, 2000

Former St. Philip Leader Off to Illinois     December 16, 1999

4 Added to Columbine Lawsuits       December 30, 2000

Educators' Lawyers Seek End to Suits      January 20, 2001

Students Discuss Divisions in Aftermath of Columbine Massacre    January 26, 2001

Judge Orders Release of Rohrbough Autopsy    January 31, 2001

Rohrbough Was Shot From Below    February 1, 2001  

Autopsy: Sanders' Neck Wound Likely Fatal     February 8, 2001

Manes Seeks Reduced Jail Term   February 9, 2001

Panel Reinvites Stone     February 15, 2001

Lots to Learn From Foiled Plots     February 16, 2001

Brief: Teachers Ingnored Warning Signs      February 17, 2001


Klebold Death Likely Suicide    February 24, 2001

Columbine Response At Issue     March 3, 2001

Columbine Community Reaches Out During Crisis      March 6, 2001

CBI Logs Hundreds of Calls On its Tips Line     March 7, 2001

Echoes of Columbine Pain    March 7, 2001

The Bullied Become 'Avengers'     March 7, 2001

Jeffco Community Says People Must Report Threats     March 7, 2001

No Formal Ceremony for Columbine     March 28, 2001

Danger Sign Ignored?     April 7, 2001

Affidavit- Columbine Shooter Posted Threat on Web   April 10, 2001

Lights, Camera, No Comment...     April 12, 2001

What Really Happened at Columbine?      April 17, 2001

Columbine Families Reach $2.5 million in Shooting Settlements    April 19, 2001

Chronology of a Big Fat Lie    April 19, 2001

Columbine Families Sue Computer Game Makers    May 1, 2001

Columbine Officers Under Fire    May 17, 2001

Back to School     October 25, 2001

I'm Full of Hate and I Love It    December 6, 2001

Grand Jury Knocks Columbine Probe      October 5, 2002

Deeper into Columbine    October 31, 2002 

Columbine Records Review Task Force on Hold     April 10, 2003

Tragedy, Truth- and Hope       August 3, 2003

Columbine Killers Documented Training on Tape      October 22, 2003

Columbine Killers Video Released     October 22, 2003

Man with Columbine Connection Paroled     November 9, 2003

The Columbine Killers Saved My Life    2004

The Cross Guy     January 8, 2004

The Cult of Eric and Dylan    January 20, 2004

Officers Had Been Warned About Columbine Killers       February 26, 2004

Columbine Never Sleeps    April 11, 2004 

Mark Manes: 'I made a bad mistake' ,Seller of gun says he had no idea Harris, Klebold dangerous April 19, 2004

The Cult of Columbine      April 27, 2004

Columbine Five Years After the Shootings: Anatomy of a Cover- Up     September 30, 2004

Excerpt from Gunstories: Life-Changing Experiences With Guns     2006

Hiding in Plain Sight    April 13, 2006

The Columbine Papers: What Their Parents Knew     July 6, 2006

Columbine Killers' Journals Offer Chilling Insight      July 7, 2006

The Good Part     February 1, 2007 

Echoes of Columbine    April 18, 2007

These Games Really Push Our Buttons    July 30, 2008    

Two Pastors Haunted By Columbine    April 10, 2009

Columbine Shootings 10 Years Later- Teachers, Students Still Haunted by Post-Traumatic Stress     April 13, 2009

The Truth About Columbine     April 16, 2009

Forgiving My Columbine High School Friend    April 17, 2009

Teens Beat Fears, Return to Teach       April 19, 2009

John Ferrugia’s Reporter’s Notebook: Covering Columbine    April 20, 2009

The Columbine effect: A horrific roster of school shootings since 1999     April 20, 2009

Columbine and Gen Why- 10 Years Later     March 27, 2009

I Will Never Know Why      November 2009 

Sam Granillo, Columbine Survivor, Plans Film on Long-Term Trauma of Shooting     November 21, 2011  

School Shootings- Some Columbine Myths Resurface   February 29, 2012

From a Loving Father Who Lost His Son in the Columbine Massacre 14 Years Ago    April 20, 2013

The shadow of Columbine looms over this Jeffco sheriff’s race     June 20, 2013

Newsweek Rewind- 15 yrs After Columbine    April 17, 2014

“Lost Class” Found: Columbine Survivors Discover New Purpose    April 19, 2014

Mother of Columbine Shooter to Write About Guilt     September 25, 2014

Columbine Killers’ Basement Tapes Destroyed     February 2, 2015

How Columbine Spawned Dozens of Copycats       October 5, 2015

Columbine Shooter’s Mother: I Carry Him ‘Everywhere I Go, Always’    February 16, 2016

‘I’ll Never Know If I Could Have Prevented It,” Says Mother of Columbine Shooter     February 16, 2016

Daughters of Slain Teacher React to Book by Columbine Shooter’s Mom     February 25, 2016

Doom and Columbine: The Effect of the Columbine High School massacre on the Video Game Industry   

March 28, 2016  

Columbine Survivor Shares Story of Addiction on Tragedy's Anniversary    April 20, 2016

Video: Did Police Investigation Miss Key Moment in Columbine Attack?    July 8, 2016

Columbine shooters’ mother shares her experience    March 26, 2017

Parkland School Shooting 208th Since Columbine: The Tragic List     February 15, 2018

Aurora Man to Mark Columbine Anniversary with Original Crosses    April 18, 2018

For ‘Columbiners,’ School Shootings Have a Deadly Allure         May 30, 2018

Survivor Stories: Craig Scott     September 26, 2018

Events announced for 20th anniversary of Columbine High School tragedy   February 27, 2019

One of Columbine’s Biggest Myths    March 5, 2019

Columbine Survivors Talk About the Wounds that Won’t Heal       March 19, 2019

Columbine Families Gather to Tell Stories Nearly 20 Years On      March 24, 2019

The Post-Columbine Question Remains the Same: Can School Shootings Be Prevented?     April 4, 2019

‘Boy in the Window’ in Columbine Massacre Recounts His Escape from Ruthless Killers         April 6, 2019

It’s Been 20 Years Since the Columbine Shooting. His Job is to Stop the Next Attack      April 6, 2019

Coping With Columbine is a Continuing Journey      April 7, 2019

Columbine Survivor is Now a Filmmaker “We Are Columbine”      April 8, 2019

Experts Share School Safety Lessons Post- Columbine      April 9, 2019

How to Talk About Something People Never Actually Talk About      April 9, 2019

I Feel Like Daniel is Walking With Me     April 9, 2019

It Had a Big Impact on my Life      April 9, 2019

Columbine Survivors Relive Their Personal Hell      April 11, 2019

Copycat Shooters Motivated by Columbine Keep Multiplying     April 17, 2019

Survivor’s Offer Words of Encouragement to their Younger Selves     April 18, 2019

Sol Pais and America’s Columbiners: The Bizarre Fandom of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold    April 19, 2019

‘Everyone’s Gonna Die’     April 19, 2019

Nurse Who Treated Columbine Victims Says Memory of Tragic Day is Still Vivid     April 19, 2019

Susan Klebold Doesn’t Believe That God is Watching Over Her Family Anymore    April 20, 2019

Columbine Survivor Still Battling Invisible Wounds 20 Years On    April 20, 2019

Community Process Tragedy Two Decades On      April 26, 2019

Columbine Victim’s Daughter  Reveals Amazing Story of Forgiveness        May 5, 2019

Former Columbine Student Reflects on Killers’ Red Flags     May 6, 2019

Columbine Survivor Takes on New Role as Communications Director for School Safety Organization   June 7, 2019

Academic Papers-

Covering the Big One    July/August 1999

Lessons Learned from the Columbine High School Shootings    2003

Experiences of Columbine Parents: Finding A Way to Tomorrow     March 2005

Social Drama, Crisis, and the Columbine High School Shootings     2005

Threat Assessment in the Post-Columbine School System    March 19, 2007

The Columbine High School Shootings     June 2007

The Columbine Legacy: Rampage Shootings as Political Acts     May 2009

The Columbine Shootings and the Discourse of Fear    June 2009

The Social Ecology of the Columbine High School Shootings     February 2011

The Columbine Shooting: Live Television Coverage     April 21, 2014

Search For Truth At Columbine    July 2014 

Television News Coverage-     Columbine High School raw news scenes      Columbine Massacre news coverage as it took place     The Day it Happened: The Columbine Shootings      CBS News Special Report      6 hours of compiled news segments on the shooting      Renovation of Columbine       ABC's Nightline


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